Monday, September 29, 2008

A Hectic Week Coming Up

Hi All.

I don't want this to sound too lame but I am asking for an interest in your prayers for the next week or so. The wife had surgery on her knee today so this week I am mom and dad, nurse, groundskeeper, shopper and housekeeper. All of this while I am preparing for a first birthday and trying to get the yard and house ready for winter.

Daddy help me to keep my priorities and my head on straight!


Jeannette Altes said...

Papa, help Mike and his family.

Nicole said...

Hi Mike! May God bless you and give you courage and strength during this time while your wife isn't there to help...


In Freedom, Nicole!

Anonymous said...

seeing as how it's a little late in my neck of the woods, i brought some hot wings and guiness for late night gnoshing.

no, mike, that doesn't sound too lame. it sounds exactly like the kind of thing i want to hear about.

oh how i have been there several times. caring for the whole house. i know you'll make it, but i'll ask for extra endurance and patience for good measure.

and if you find yourself getting a little overly stressed, you know that kids don't remember their first birthdays, right? it's more for mom than them anyway. (yeah, i went there.) ;-)

Tyler Dawn said...

Oh my goodness, Mike I am totally praying for you!

Make sure you get some sleep, okay???

Erin said...

I will pray too, Mike, that God will give you the energy to do what you need to do and peace when you need to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the request! Ah...never underestimate or minimize your needs. They are all important.

Yes! I will be keeping you in my prayers. May things run amazingly smoothly and you have wonderful moments of quality time with your kids.

~Amy :)

Manuela said...

oh wow, God give you special strength and may your wife's leg heal well and quickly- Peace

Valorosa said...

Mike you made me laugh.
Praying that you handle the extra stress with finesse and that your wife's knee heals well in record time and she gets back on her feet in record time

Manuela said...

sooo, how's your week been? I realize you may not have time to let us know yet : ) so no pressure. Hope you survived well!

Anonymous said...

tell your little man happy birthday from all of us!!!!!