Saturday, September 27, 2008

nate could use our support

in the interest of utilizing this space for one purpose i had envisioned, i wanted to share on behalf of my brother, nate. he is undergoing a LOT of pressure and stress at work and is in danger of losing his job in the next couple of weeks. if you could first pray, and also if you have the time, drop him a line and let him know he is being thought of/prayed for/cared about, i think it would help him quite a bit. nate always likes to be the fixer and helper, its just his heart. but i think that right now HE'S the one who could use some help. thanks. i'll give him a call on the way to work today and see if he has anything more specific he would like our prayers for.


Manuela said...

will pray for your brother : )

Jeannette Altes said...

Nate, I'm asking Papa to help you.

Tyler Dawn said...

Done and done! :)

Mike said...

Thanks for sharing this concern with us Jon. Nate is always not far out of my thoughts and will pray for him now in his time of need.

Ruth said...

For sure - I'm in! Nate - we've got your back.

Rahab's Kithen is an awesome place guys!

Erin said...

Me too...whatever I can muster...

Anonymous said...

thanks everyone. i left a message for him but haven't heard back about specifics yet.

but i do know it's one of those clashes with upper management where a possible task with an impossible deadline has been given. capped off with the ever popular "or else!" tagline for otivation.

Nate said...

I want to thank you all so much for the prayer and concern. It is hard for me to share the difficulties that I have because I don't want to be a burden to people. But I thank you for being there for me. The support from friends and family has been a huge encouragement to me. Not necessarily on the job front, but it is just great to know that you guys are out there with such care in your hearts. Thank you for that. The prayers are definately felt, even though I did not know what they were.

Valorosa said...

Lord bring success to Nate and understanding from those in upper mgmt. Bring wisdom to this situation for the sake of everyone.

Sue said...

Wow, Nate - that's cool that you could 'feel' the prayers, hehe. I wonder in what other ways prayers are felt when people don't know what's what they are :) I hope everything pans out for you.

Barry said...

I'm in. Nate, we're all behind you.