Monday, January 5, 2009

Prayer for Matt

HI all
Firstly let me wish you all a great 2009!
I was wondering if you could pray for my Hubby his name is Matt. For about 5 years he has been running his own web development business. He was not encouraged at all by our former pastor (the opposite infact) and suffers from a lack of self worth becasue of it. But he is brilliant at what he does. Any way he has decided to give his business one last chance to be able to support him full time and make money so until June 2009 he will be basically working 2 full time jobs. His business and the his salaried job, Means very long hours and lots of stress. We also want to plant a house church this year sometime. I am worried firstly about Matt overloading himself and secondly if it fails to meet its goal by June what are the consequences? I couldnt sleep last night for worrying about it.
I guess I need peace that it will be ok no matter what the outcome but I cant bare to see him hurting and am petrofied that he will crumble if it doesnt work.
Thx guys


Anonymous said...

you got it.

peace peace peace.

Sue said...

Sure, Lou

Tyler Dawn said...

I am praying that Matt will know exactly what God wants him to do :)

Erin said...

We are in a similar husband runs a web design business aside from his regular job. It's what he loves, but it can't support us alone. Sometimes it makes him nuts because he will work 80 hour weeks some weeks doing the both.

So I understand and am praying.

Manuela said...

Will do...

Valorosa said...

Why would a pastor's opinion about Matt even matter?


Praying for his brilliance to shine.

The Bible tells us that we are given our talents to help us get by in life

lou said...

Thx I appreciate your prayers

Valorosa, to answer your question about why does the opinion of a pastor matter without writing an essay is very difficult but in short we were in leadrership in this chruch and the pastor was (prob still is) a control freak and had all of us convinced that he was the boss of the world. He called Matt his spiritual son and all that crap! Maqtt was in that church from the time he was 16 till he was 31 and when you hear every day that you are worthless and useless you beleive it. We both know intellectually that this was wrong and that what was said about both of us was crap but it may take some years to deal with the pychological scars

Tyler Dawn said...

i so understand about that opinion being important, it is very similar to when a father (who is a jerk) degrades you all of the time. In a child's eyes, that father is a god and they want to measure up even tho it is impossible and they shoulder all the blame. Same with the pastors who are set up as demi-gods by themselves and the congregation. Somehow we figure that because they went to college they are somehow worthy to measure up our self worth. It takes a long time to get that poison out of our system.

Anonymous said...

any update?