Tuesday, September 29, 2009

taking my leave

hey guys, I realise no one comes here much anymore, and i see that it has pretty much become a bully pulpit and a sounding board where things that would normally be put on personal blogs are showing up.

This started out as a support group and then it died off, but i came here today seeing health reform being pushed/clarified/whatever, and seeing just stuff that has not much to do with coming together and supporting each other so I am taking my name off the roll. I just don't feel comfortable having the rahab's Kitchen logo on my blog saying this is a safe place for a hug and a cookie to have someone come and find political stuff.

I love you all, i just can't deal with all of this anymore. This was a place to love each other, and i thought this stuff was for our personal blogs. I for one have a full plate of grief right now and came here wanting to share, but this feels partisan and feels negative. I have enough of that right now with a houseful of swine flu and a bunch of other stuff i would not want to discuss here with the way it looks.


Erin said...

Tyler, I understand why you feel that way, but might it be better (considering there are only two posts in question, both by the same person) just to ask people not to post those kinds of things? I don't know if lumping us all in together is entirely fair.

That said, this is a bit of a ghost town...

One Voice of Many said...

I've gotten quite inactive on blogs myself for a while but I still stop by and read. I check here for that same feeling of -- if I need a hug or someone else does, I read and see. If not, that's ok and I move on.

Maybe Erin's suggestion is worth a try - to just ask that content be kept non-partisan here and remain focused on relationship and encouragement?

Tyler Dawn said...

well although I can't post anymore I just figured out I can still comment so i will explain. I am sorry that you feel you were all lumped together as it was not my intent.

I came here yesterday because 6 weeks ago i found out that my twins were molested by a boy in their class who was a year older, and I have been unable to talk about it with anyone. The proper authorities know, but our family is greiving and it isn't like I can talk to parents about it, and even if i could, we never live anywhere long enough to form those kind of safe frindships.

So in desperation i came here and found posts about health care reform, calling some woman a liar, and a post about how churches teach lies about God that isn't about needing support and I just felt violated. Like I needed living water and i got a big dose of what is going on in the world.

We started this because we needed a place to love on each other and it looked like money tables had been set up. Not that Nate's post wasn't valid, I didn't have a problem with the content, it was really just more of a personal blog post.

I was just already so sad, and to see our kitchen turned into something else threw me over the edge. I am sorry I blanket statemented, it was not my intent. I just can't think clearly right now. I needed a home. It was wrong of me to, oh, I don't know what I was thinking of anymore. I'll just give this up now.

KariBryant said...

That is terrible. I'm so sorry you are going through this...I hope things get better quickly. I have not experienced anything like that before, and I know I don't understand what you are going through, but I do care, and will pray for your family today.

Tyler Dawn said...

Thanks Kari, I appreciate it, I got some headway with social services yesterday and might get some counseling for the family. I am just afraid that some idiot might make things worse than they already are. It is stressful.

No one is treating this like a crime, because the perpetrator is 9 and it was not violent :(

One Voice of Many said...

I understand your desire to be alone and quiet with your thoughts so forgive me if I'm projecting here. I, and others here, would support you here in this safe place for you to cry, scream, cuss, laugh, and heal from this event to you and your family.
We're here if you need us!

Nate said...

Tyler I cannot even begin to comprehend the feelings that you are having right now, but prayers will definately be going up for you and yours.

Tyler Dawn said...

Thanks Nate and Michelle, things are going much better now. Sorry for my tantrum, the pain is worse as a parent than it was as a victim.

One Voice of Many said...

Tyler - tantrum away anytime. We all need a nice padded room to safely throw things. I sure do at least!
I would believe that experiencing pain as a parent would be much more extremely painful than personally -- like personally isn't bad enough. I would imagine it adds a double layer of helplessness.
We're here either way.