Tuesday, September 29, 2009

taking my leave

hey guys, I realise no one comes here much anymore, and i see that it has pretty much become a bully pulpit and a sounding board where things that would normally be put on personal blogs are showing up.

This started out as a support group and then it died off, but i came here today seeing health reform being pushed/clarified/whatever, and seeing just stuff that has not much to do with coming together and supporting each other so I am taking my name off the roll. I just don't feel comfortable having the rahab's Kitchen logo on my blog saying this is a safe place for a hug and a cookie to have someone come and find political stuff.

I love you all, i just can't deal with all of this anymore. This was a place to love each other, and i thought this stuff was for our personal blogs. I for one have a full plate of grief right now and came here wanting to share, but this feels partisan and feels negative. I have enough of that right now with a houseful of swine flu and a bunch of other stuff i would not want to discuss here with the way it looks.