Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Am Second

Through LA Ink of all places, I became aware of this place. "Head" of KORN, was on LA Ink getting a tattoo. LA Ink is one of my daughter's favorite shows. She became interested in Brian "Head" Welch because of his appearance there. He spoke about his life as a guitarist for KORN, how he had become a father and a drug addict. The baby mama died and he had sole custody, and what type of father he was. This lead Lexi to search him out on the web. She found this testimony from Brian. Brian is the scariest looking guy on the screen. But his experiences are very powerful. Please check out other stories there, but make sure to check out Brian's.


Sue said...

Thanks for posting, Nate. That was good stuff. I love seeing people who have come the end of their illusions about what fine upstanding moral citizens they are. Blows away so much inauthenticity. You kinda feel like there's not much difference between him on that couch and him alone in his house, and that's such a powerful thing.

(Aside: he is beautiful. Like, on the outside too :) That bone structure. Yum. Which is beside the point, but you know :)

Erin said...

Randy and the boys met Brian last summer when he was here promoting. He was very nice. I think he's a great testament to the changes Jesus can bring.

But I still like some of Korn's music!

Sue said...

Nice? Well, that's disappointing. There's too many nice people in the world, goddammit. Nice sucks all the life out of everything ;)

Happy Xmas, Erin Dude :)

Ruth said...

Thanks for sharing that Nate. His testimony is so real and authentic. I will use that link as a resoure.