Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Covering and Authority

Just letting you know about a fairly new website I found called Covering And Authority. It's by LT of The Heresy. It's extremely informative for anybody who has or knows somebody who has suffered from spiritual abuse. It also gives some extremely biblical reasons why the "covering" doctrine is false.

I'm glad to see important websites like this one springing up.


Barb said...

Heather, I checked it out and linked to it on my blog. Probably the best I have seen out there on just this one subject. Thanks

Erin said...

Wow, I haven't read Leighton in forever, lost his blog somehow, but used to read it faithfully. Thanks Heather! And thanks for pointing to the other site, as well, I'm sure it will be interesting to dig into.

Erin said...

Barb - Did you know you're the first thing he links to on the resources page!?

Barb said...

No way!! I just wrote to him tonight and he wrote back. He would not have had time to read anything I wrote. Maybe he has been a lurker.

Hope friends in my old church read it!!

Valorosa said...


This is not new and it is not a growing movement. This kind of thing has been around for centuries.


Erin said...

Barb - I think you underestimate the power of your posts; they get around! I hope some of your old church friends see it too!

Valorosa said...

Prime example in the discussion 2 blogs below.

Just a Guy said...

Hi all

It was after Barb emailed me that I read her posts on the issue. I thought they were great so I plugged them in the resources section tonight.

Thanks for the links!


lou said...

Thanks Heather
I have emailed the link to some of my non blogging friends who are from same church we were from- can you beleive we had to read John Beveres undercover book as part of being pastors in our former church all part of the control I guess

Tyler Dawn said...

Oh my gosh I am gonna be sick.

Two things God has shown me since leaving all that --

(1) One day I was stressing out over not being covered, and he said, AUDIBLY -- I AM your covering. Case closed.

(2) He has taught me in the last couple of years that to be His prophet is to be a servant to everyone and yet beholden to no one. I can only be under His authority (otherwise men will have control over my messages) and as a messenger I am at the service of everyone, I have no "authority" over people, so to speak. My gift was given to help, nothing more, and nothing less.

Jeannette Altes said...

Hmm... good site on Covering & Authority. As a leader in the church I was in, we had to watch John Bevere's video on Submission to Authority. Ugh.

Tyler, thank you for sharing what you have learned. It helps.

Jeannette Altes said...

Hmm... you know, this teaching also attracts abusers. It is tailor made for them. It provides a wonderful... umm... cover.... and then the abusers help cover each other's asses while building a following for a financial base to build their own little kingdoms. When they are caught in an abuse, the whine, 'Love covers'....... *puke*

Anonymous said...'s been awhile since I left my old church...and the books by John Bevere were standard reading.
One of the biggest arguments I got into during that time was with my close friend. He read 'Undercover' and passed it to me as great reading. I started to read it, and felt so sick I stopped. It was like being molested all over again, yet I didn't have any logical reason to feel that way. When I prayed about it, God was pretty firm with me about not reading the book...and with me, like TD, He said that He was my covering, not anyone else.
I tried glancing through another book by the same author, but got thoroughly disgusted when he went on about a situation where he was speaking in a church and felt the need to point out the sin of the people on the worship team. It was not his church, yet he publicly humiliated some people as a 'word from the Lord'. Ugh. Made me ill to read that..and heartsick that the people were treated so awfully.