Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Challenging Week Ahead

Anyone who feels so inclined to pray would be appreciated. This week will see my mother in law getting a PEG, having to move my parents, and one of my son's birthday's that I have to prepare for.

I don't yet know what day mom in law will be having the procedure.

My son's "kid" party is on Friday night and we are taking 10 screaming boys to Wunderland (Nickel Arcade) and having them sleep over. Saturday night we will be having all the family over for the "family" party.

My parents want to be mostly moved out by Sunday night.

I just need energy and the ability to NOT forget anything important, and to not get sick...everyone in my family besides me has had a bad cold and I would be eternally grateful if it would hold out on me for another week or so. It would also be good if nothing else critical in nature came up this week.

Thanks all.


Tyler Dawn said...

Big hugs sweetie, you have been so wonderful through all of this. What you do has such an impact on your kids as they watch you care for MIL!! Please let us know more when you can about your MIL's feeding tube.

Jeannette Altes said...

Erin, you got it. Papa, give her Your Strength and Peace and Grace. The deep, settling, freaks-people-out-how-you-can-be-so-calm Peace. And let is spread from her and affect those around her from family to hospital staff. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

strength, courage, peace, and resolve. may all of these things be yours in full measure.

how is your FIL handling the situation? has his viewpoint (i.e. giving up) changed at all? would he benefit from a feeding tube testimonial? praying for him too.

Mike said...

Erin ~ You got 'em. Good luck with those screaming boys... *ugh* :D

Erin said...

Thanks everyone! It looks like they are putting the PEG in this afternoon, but I don't know what time.

Katherine - I love that freaks-people-out couldn't have known that people already say that about more of that would be good.

Jon - I haven't actually talked to FIL this weekend, but Randy and the boys had dinner with him yesterday (I was packing at my parents house) and I do think he will feel a lot better when she is gaining weight again.

Erin said...

Oh and Mike - Thanks! Just you wait until the birthday party days start!

And I thought you said you were going to take the mask off?

Mike said...

Ok already. I took the mask off. Are dark glasses ok?

Erin said...

Dark glasses are OK, if we can avoid the Neo look.

Anonymous said...

Hey Erin.
And Mike.
And Katherine.
And a few others that I've seen around but haven't yet gotten to know.
I've been away from the blogosphere for several months....even deleted my blog.
But I think I'm back.
Things got bad for awhile...I stopped blogging about life when I ran out of words...
Anyways, I'm back.
I missed you all....

Bar L. said...

wow, you don't have much going on. I think of all of those things the ten boys spending the night sounds the most difficult :)

I will be praying.

Erin said...

Hi Ché! (waves) Great to see you here!

Thanks Barbara. Yes, I think so too!

Mike said...

Hi Che. I can't even tell you how good it was to see you pop up in here to say hi. You just made my night. ")

Jeannette Altes said...

Welcome back, Che.

Tyler Dawn said...

So how did it go and how is MIL feeling today?

Erin said...

Thanks for asking Tyler. You know how these things are...they were supposed to do it yesterday afternoon, but they still haven't and can't say when they will. They say for sure this week though.

Manuela said...

Hope your week's going well...
Darth Vader dude unmasked still looks scary
: D j/kiddding

Anonymous said...

yes, erin, unfortunately i know how it is. just today we had a 4 hour long visit to the hospital, and at the end of it, my frustration with western medicine and hospital paradigms is no less. only greater. you would think for as much as we hold the medical community up as gods in this country they would be more impressive. sorry. it's been a day.

it's not that they don't do ANY good, i just think people give doctors WAY too much credit for what is basically educated guessing with little thought towards compassion and satisfaction.

do we know what the hold up is? why they would tell you one thing and then do another?

Erin said...

I was able to be there yesterday when my FIL met with the surgeon....I'm thinking gastroenterologist, but I'm not positive that's what he was. I guess there was some question as to what kind of procedure to do: a laparoscopic PEG, a surgical gastro tube or one that goes into her small intestine (don't remember what it's called, but it wasn't really a viable option so it doesn't matter).

Because of her shunt drainage tube in her abdomen and her weakened condition, they needed to consider the options so they could make a recommendation to my FIL. With the PEG it would be safer in that they wouldn't have to put her under general, but less safe in that it would be more likely they would nick or contaminate the shunt tube. The surgical procedure is more invasive but also more precise, but requires general...but we decided the risk of putting her under is less than the risk should they disturb the shunt.

In any case she's very weak and it's conceivable she won't make it through, but we KNOW she won't make it if we DON'T do it. However we won't be able to use the tube for 3-5 days and during that time she might also succumb because she is so weak from not eating (and all the other issues) already.

Sigh. At this point the plan is they will do it late in the afternoon on Friday.

If you're so inclined to pray, please pray for her strength to hold out until we can start getting her fed via the tube.

Thanks all. It's good to know you're here.

Anonymous said...

you got it. thanks for keeping us updated. and yes, we'll still here.

Jeannette Altes said...

Yeah, Erin, we're here.

Erin said...

For anyone who is still mom in law had the feeding tub put in yesterday and the surgery went well...hopefully tomorrow they will start using it.

But also, I don't know how much I'll be around the next few days as we are in the thick of moving my parents (33 years is a hella lot of stuff, good grief!) and I'll likely be consumed with that. My parents are staying with us for a few days as they transition because their new place won't have appliances for several more if you don't hear from me, don't worry...I'll be back.

Tyler Dawn said...

Thanks for the update, I am so releived they put in the tube after all! Prayers coming your way for strength and sleep as well.

Anonymous said...

more strength, more joy, more peace for our dear sister.

Sue said...

Wow, Erin. Full-on week. Glad you've held up so far, staved off colds and stuff. 33 years' worth of stuff sounds very daunting - hope it all went smoothly.

Erin said...

Thanks you guys. It was an awful weekend to tell the truth, and we're not done yet. Sigh.

Jeannette Altes said...

Erin, {{{HUG}}} Papa, help Erin. Thank you.