Saturday, November 29, 2008

Strange days Indeed

I should have written this about a week ago but that is the flu for you, it just leaves me braindead.

So I told you about the threat against Mark's job. Well, last sunday night I was just walking around minding my own business and I suddenly heard something from God (finally!).

It was a lie, they weren't going to fire him, they CAN'T.

So I told Mark about this and we started really praying and he felt a lot of peace. He went back to work confident and it totally drove his boss nuts! So anyway, thursday rolls around and Mark's corporate boss fesses up, out of nowhere, that they actually did not have the ability to fire him, they just wanted to -- well, manipulate him (he didn't say it like that of course, but that was the jist).

So the really awesome thing is that Mark has found two other out of church believers there who are praying blessings over the facility with him in the mornings and they are really seeing results. They are all department heads so this is really amazing.

And his boss is acting very strangely! Can't stand to be around my husband at all.

So anyway, thanks so much for holding us up in prayer, I really needed it. I am so grateful for all of you.


Sue said...

Ahh, now Papa, *this* is something else :)

I didn't know you had the flu, TD. I hope you're feeling better. I'm really tickled about all of this.

Jeannette Altes said...


Erin said...

Well if that isn't a real bugger! Wow, well I'm glad you found out that his job isn't at risk after all, but it's too bad they had to play games with him. Still praying for the situation.

One Voice of Many said...

Tyler Dawn -
How great that he didn't lose his job! And I'm glad you're getting over the flu. You've been having some health issues often lately, haven't you? I'm sorry. Could it be stress wearing you down physically? Maybe this bit of relief will aid your healing!

Valorosa said...

Hot diggity dog !!!

That is the BEST news.

Manuela said...

That's awesome !!! : ) and yeah, answer to prayer!!
The flu sucks...hope you're feeling better, sounds like you may be...prayers and love

KariBryant said...

Cool! Hope you are all over the flu...

Heather said...

That's fantastic! I'm glad it was all so clear for you both.

Hope the boss comes around - a boss acting strangely doesn't really help the work situation!

Mike said...

Tyler ~ I am happy, no, ecstatic over this news. How great that everything has worked out for y'all.

I hope that you are feeling better soon.

Tyler Dawn said...

Thanks guys, i really love you all.

Tyler Dawn said...

Oh Michelle, yeah my health has suffered since moving to Texas -- new allergens, plain and simple. Annoying, but not life threatening. My immune system is just a bit tired from dealing with it. No big deal.

Sue said...

It is a big deal. Look after yourself.