Saturday, December 6, 2008


(cross post from my blog)

I just received word today that a friend of mine has breast cancer. I don't believe any of you would know her, she's a real-life friend, but I'm still going to protect her privacy and not reveal any more details right now.

I write because I'm seeking any thoughts and prayers you might be willing to send out for her. I don't have any details at this point, she is still awaiting more information about her condition. She is supposed to be making a decision this weekend on treatment options, so prayers for peace and strength and the ability to make the right decision would be appreciated. Her faith is strong and she feels hopeful, but I know she would appreciate the prayers.

Thank you guys. Love you.


One Voice of Many said...

I'm sorry to hear about this news for your friend and for you. You are a strong and supportive friend and I know she will be thankful for your presence!

Valorosa said...

Praying Erin :-

Frances said...

I remember hearing the "C" word, myself, and not knowing what to expect. Prayer and friends made it seem less frightening.

Mike said...

Erin ~ Thanks for bringing your concerns here. I am praying for your friend; for whatever her needs are right now.

Erin said...

Thank you, you lovely wonderful friends. I'm so lucky to be able to come here and seek prayer from you all. I think I'm still in shock, I'm sure my friend is...but it's a "things like this don't happen to people I know" feeling. But they obviously do.

Tyler Dawn said...

Praying sweetie, it is amazing how things are changing with breast cancer. Many women are opting for double mastectomies right off the bat!

I will be praying for her.

Barry said...

I'm praying too.

Manuela said...

will do...