Monday, January 12, 2009

Prayer Request

This sounds strange - even the title, since I have struggled so much with asking God for things and how that all works, but I'll just put it out there...

My sister's husband leaves for Iraq today. They just moved to Hawaii and they have 2 preschool aged boys. One is only 13 months old. It is a little harder for my sister this time since she's so far away from family and has not been there for very long. If you think of our military, or have time to pray for my sister and her husband, their names are Kim and John. John is a captain in the USMC/infantry something or other, so he's always right in the middle of the craziness, wherever it may be.

Thanks guys...


Erin said...

Absolutely. One of my best friends' husband is in the AF, he's deployed to Afghanistan right now. She and their kids live over 2000 miles from family. Have they said how long he'll be gone?

It's tough, for sure. I don't know either how the God thing works...but I will pray.

KariBryant said...

Thanks Erin...he leaves today for 2 weeks, then he's back for 3 days, then he's gone for another 6 weeks, then he actually deploys for 7 basically, he's leaving today! I don't know why all of the coming and going, but I guess it adds up to about 9 months total. I'm actually glad he's going to Iraq and not Afghanistan...I'll be thinking of your friend.

Manuela said...

Oh, gosh ..will pray for your sis and for the whole situation...!

Tyler Dawn said...

Oh sweetie, that woman is definitely a war hero in my book! She has my prayers.

Valorosa said...

prayers for protection and wisdom and love ...

Mike said...

I am absolutely praying for that whole family right now. Any family who sees a member going into that situation needs all they can get for sure.